Our Vision and Values
"In happiness, we thrive"
Our Vision
To provide a nourishing, inclusive and vibrant learning environment, in which every child is happily engaged with the creative and innovative teaching of a broad and balanced curriculum.
Our Values
Curiosity, Resilience and Respect
Our Mission Statement
We will make it our mission to:
- protect and promote children’s and staff’s emotional and physical well-being.
- encourage our children to embrace diversity and respect differences
- equip them with the life-long values of curiosity, resilience and respect and show them that any act of kindness, however small, is valued.
- enrich our broad and balanced curriculum with experiences both inside the classroom and outside in nature.
- inspire our children’s creativity
- nurture their curiosity
- teach our children to challenge themselves, show them how they can learn from their mistakes and help them to grow in confidence in a secure and caring environment.
- ensure that the achievements of all children are recognised and celebrated both within the school and the wider community.
- be active and compassionate participants in our local and global community
- be stewards of the environment.