ELSA – Emotional Literacy Support Assistant
In school, we have two dedicated ELSAs who have attended the full ELSA training course and are part of a half-termly supervision group, which is led by a qualified educational psychologist.
Our ELSAs work with individual children, or sometimes small groups of children, to deliver bespoke programmes of support. Our ELSAs have been trained to teach children the skills they need to deal with the following: -
- Emotional awareness
- Self esteem
- Anger management
- Social and friendship skills
- Social communication difficulties
- Loss, bereavement and family break up
If you would like further information, or just a chat around some issues that may be affecting your child, our SENDCo, Cherry Willder will be happy to hear from you.
Please contact the office or email cwillder@butts.hants.sch.uk