Transition to Secondary School
At The Butts primary school we work hard to ensure all transitions are designed with the children in mind – whichever stage of their school journey they are in.
Although when children change year groups at the end of a year they remain part of our school, we also see how changes like this are important and smooth transitions between year groups ensure the children settle into their new classes well. Children will know all of our staff through assemblies, playtimes and after school clubs and we also ensure that the children have the opportunity to meet their new teacher in the summer term in their new classrooms. Transition meetings between the staff take place to ensure all key information is handed over.
Transition to Year R/EYFS
Before your child joins us in Year R, our Year R staff visit your child’s nursery or pre school setting. This not only enables your child to meet our staff (and vice versa) but also ensures that valuable information from their current setting is shared, which helps us build a picture of your child before they start. Prior to their September start, your child will have the opportunity to visit the school on several opportunities, both with key adults and also independently. By this time the children will know which class they are in, so will be able to meet their teacher, teaching assistant and peers. At the beginning of the year, the class teacher and teaching assistant will come and meet your child in your own home. This is a wonderful opportunity for a one to one chat to build important relationships both with your child and with you. This leads smoothly into a staggered start, where your child has the opportunity to begin school in smaller groups, before joining together as a whole class.
Transition to Secondary School
Equally important to us, is the transition at the end of your child’s time with us. At The Butts Primary we have two key feeder secondary schools – Amery Hill and Eggar's- both of which we work closely with as part of the Alton cluster schools. Before our year six children leave us, they would have had the opportunity to have taster days and curriculum hook opportunities with both secondary schools.
Prior to the the end of their final year, the head of year 7 from both schools will come into school to meet the children and explain about life in the school. Teachers think carefully about children who may find the transition more challenging and they have additional opportunities to visit the school.
The head of year also meets with the children’s teacher to discuss each child individually – personally, emotionally and academically.